UK Parliament

People in UK Parliament profiles

Get to know some of the people working behind the scenes at UK Parliament to help support our democracy.

Download People in UK Parliament profiles

Meet the Speakers

Find out more about the Speakers of the House of Commons and House of Lords.

Download Meet the Speakers

Jargon Buster

Find out what key parliamentary terms really mean with this time-saving jargon buster.

Download Jargon Buster

Engage with the Lords

Find out how working with members of the Lords can help your campaign make an impact.

Read more about Engage with the Lords

The two Houses

Explore who's who in the two Houses and what they do.

Download The two Houses

We’ll Visit You

Free online or in-person sessions to help get your voice heard.

Read more about We’ll Visit You

360 Virtual Tour

Explore the Houses of Parliament wherever you are.

Read more about 360 Virtual Tour