Muslim Scout Fellowship

MSF also facilitates regional, national and international events for scouts with the aim of supporting and growing the UK scouting family.

Our leaders and young people are actively trying to affect positive change in their communities, be that through their charity events or their community services. This year, for the first time, MSF is excited to partner with UKPW to help engage as many scouts as possible to express their opinions on matters that are most important to them.

For UKPW 2019 the Manchester South British Muslim Heritage Centre (BMHC) scouts group invited their Muslim councillor representing Ardwick, Amna Abdulatif, to their scouts’ session. They discussed the importance of democracy and of our youth having their voice heard. They voted on interesting issues, such as: pudding before dinner? School uniform or no school uniform?! The session was a great way to engage people in understanding how to voice their opinions and encourage them to get involved in wider discussions.

The 10th Slough SCS Scouts group in London took part in UKPW by arranging a two party house debate on important topics- such as, whether social media should be banned for those under 16? or if racism should be allowed under freedom of speech. This was an interesting way of introducing scouts to the way parliament works, and how government is chosen through debate and voting. It helped scouts to understand the value of being informed on important topics, listening respectfully to different points of view and the importance of campaigning and voting in our democracy.

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